PoloWorks offers full financial support for all stages of a syndicate’s life cycle. This includes establishing robust investment governance, setting investment objectives and associated parameters, and overseeing outsourced investment arrangements.
We implement a liquidity policy along with associated appetites and reporting, whilst also forecasting and monitoring cashflow. Additionally, PoloWorks develops and manages associated stress testing making sure that you have no outside pressure on your business’ finances.
Financial reporting is also delivered to you and regulators, and we engage with our Client Finance team, as required, to deliver the most accurate of data.
Key features of our service:
Capital Modelling
- Develops and approves syndicate internal models.
- Facilitates meaningful liaison with syndicate teams on model inputs.
- Implements objective challenge during the validation process.
- Provides guidance on reserving strategy and procedures.
- Delivers reserving reporting, including Solvency II and GAAP compliance.
- Establishes robust investment governance structures.
- Sets and agrees on investment objectives and parameters.
- Oversees outsourced investment arrangements.
- Implements liquidity policy with defined appetites and reporting requirements.
- Forecasts and monitors cash flow.
- Develops and manages liquidity stress testing.
Financial Reporting
- Provides financial reporting to clients and regulators.
- Engages with the Client Finance team as necessary.